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Visiting Faith Lutheran

Those that have never attended a liturgical church may find that the service is somewhat different from what they are used to. The Lutheran liturgical service is a dialog between God and man. In the Divine Service, God comes down to us and gives us his grace, and we in turn respond to Him in thanksgiving and praise. For those unfamiliar with the liturgy, we offer a guide to the parts of the Divine Service. Click the "Learn More" button below to download this guide. 

Mobility Issues...

If you have mobility issues, please ask any usher or elder and we will gladly assist you in any way we can.  During communion, we will be glad to bring the elements to you in your pew. Please alert an usher if this is your desire.


If you have an gluten or alcohol allergy allergy-free elements are available. Gluten free wafers are available from the pastor. The center section of each tray is filled with white grape juice. 

A word about communion...

As Lutheran's, we believe that the bread and wine used in Communion is the actual and true body and blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ is "in, with, and under the bread and wine".  The official position of the LCMS is that we practice "Closed Communion"  as a sign of church unity, doctrinal agreement, and pastoral care. The historic and loving practice of closed communion means that we desire those who commune here to be under the faithful pastoral care in our confession of faith (Heb. 13:7, Heb. 13:17, I Tim. 4:16). Our Lord's Table has a vertical dimension that reconciles us to God through the forgiveness of sins as he promised—but it also has a horizontal dimension that involves human relationships. Confirmed members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod are welcome to commune at this altar. Please speak with our pastor or an elder before communing with us. If you would like to receive a blessing instead, you are welcome to come forward during communion for this. Instead of receiving Communion, simply cross your arms across your chest (see picture) and the pastor will give you a blessing. 

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