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Do you want to know more about the Christian faith?

Adult Information Class

There is an online Adult Information Class (AIC) taught by Rev. Ernie Lassman from Messiah Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Seattle, WA. It is a 15-week course on the basic teachings of Christianity. This is a safe, non-threatening environment to learn about the meaning and importance of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Christian church. You can contact Pastor Neumann or any of the church Elders at Faith Lutheran Church,  Owasso with questions that you may have. We will be happy to discuss any aspect of the Christian faith that you might have questions about. 

If you would like to see a short introductory video of the class, you can watch it above. You can find the full class session listing below.

If you would like a copy of the book that Pr. Lassman uses. It is available in paperback from Concordia Publishing House. Click the link below to order it from them.

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